Why money is causing so many problems to people? Is it because money is root of all evil? Is it because it corrupts people’s mind? Is it because money diverts people away from spirituality?
The answer is money is not the problem at all. The problem is
YOU, YOU & YOU…Yup, that’s the one and only truth. Perhaps, you might have come across many articles and books on personal finance and they all talk about the same thing. To make more money, you have to change yourself first.
“Oh no, another site talking rubbish, instead of telling us anything useful”, some voices of irritated reader who are in deep financial crisis. Hold on there for a second. Let me tell you why it is important to change yourself first and how changing yourself can make more money for you.
Changing yourself or more precisely your mindset about money, you’ll start to see abundance of opportunities of making money outside there. How is it possible just by changing your mindset you’ll start to see the opportunity?
Let say you are a diehard football fan, anything which you came across related to football, you’ll notice them.When you flip your daily newspaper, you’ll able to notice anything related to footballs, no matter how small is the article, even every single advertisement related directly or indirectly to football. That’s because your mindset had been tuned to the football frequency.
“Does that mean I have to stop tuning my mindset to football and start to only think about money?” a confused reader start to ponder.The answer is no.
Only thinking about money without a purpose is like a body without a life aka robots. I have came across people who destroyed their entire life just because of chasing money without a purpose.
“Haha.. See money can destroy people’s life, so it’s indeed evil to have too much money”, a reader start to accuse baselessly.
Money is just a tool. A tool can be used for either good or bad deeds. For example, a hammer can be used to build your shoe rack, and it can also be used to knock people’s head. Does that mean the hammer is evil because it’s used for hurting someone? Of course the answer is no. It’s the user who decides the purpose of the tool.
Same goes for money; it is you who decide how you are going to use it. The choice is yours. You can use it to live up your dreams and do some good deeds or destroy yourself and do something bad.
Remember this, without money, church, temple, mosque or any worship places can’t be build. Without money, health care centers, old folks home, foster house can’t be build. Without money, foundations couldn’t be formed. Without money, there won’t be any charity. Think about it. How are you going to contribute effectively without money?
Okay, let’s not talk about charity. Let’s talk about your dreams. Let’s take the die hard football fan for instant. I’m sure he’ll be wishing to watch every single match in the season, live. But can he do that, for an average Joe, it’s not possible. He needs money to travel around, to buy the best seats as well to support himself and his family. Aside of money, he need time to do all of that. If he is on a good paying job where he can afford to watch all the games, but might not have time. He has to trade his time for money. If he takes a long break, how is he going to earn for living.
So now he has a reason to change his mindset to make money, by making his dream as his burning desire. But remember not to make it as a desperate desire. When you are desperate, you’ll tend not to see all the opportunity and could end up losing your money in bad investment.
Having money is also to ensure that you don’t have to worry about your child’s education, your retirement, your vacation, and whatever you want to do for you and your family.
Imagine this, you were walking around a shopping complex, and you came across a beautiful diamond necklace which you really want to buy for yourself (If you are a man, then imagine you want to buy for your wife), but you found out the cost, $5,000. Unfortunately, you don’t have the money and you could only wish for, and you go back home with disappointment. You could have paid using your credit card,but have to suffer paying them later. Now imagine that you have the money, $5,000 here I come. Yup, you don’t have to think twice.
Now let’s imagine a second scenario. You are watching your favorite news, and they were showing a story of a young brilliant kid who is suffering some rare disease and need fund to support her treatment which cost $100,000. The kid’s parents making a plight through the news. You could only feel sorry for the kid and wish you could help her out. But unfortunately, you don’t have money for yourself. You end up feeling sorry for her.Now, imagine you are a multimillionaire; you could easily help the kid and be proud of yourself being a Good Samaritan.
“But, when you have more and more money, you’ll get stingy, just like all those evil rich people out there”, again some dissatisfied souls start to condemn.
The reason you might be accusing the rich as evil is because of our human mind always tend to remember negative things a lot deeper than positive things and blindly make conclusion based on our negative perspective. Just give yourself some time, think of one rich person you have met who is humble or generous. I’m sure you could name at least one. Don’t stop there, try to recall as many people you have met or heard of.I’m sure you can list at least 5 people. Some of the generous famous rich people are Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and John D. Rockefeller.
Another reason we always accused the rich as selfish, evil and so on because of jealousy. We also tend to believe that they should share out their fortune with us. But isn’t it’s selfish to think like that. They worked hard (or smart) for the money they have accumulated and just like that we hope they would share their money. They deserve to be rich for their effort. Some of us just sitting around and condemning others for being rich. Of course these people don’t deserve to be rich, as they are not putting any effort at all.
Ben Franklin once said, “God helps those who help themselves”. And I would further add,
“God help people who want help themselves regardless of what religion or race they are from.”
By looking at the positive side of money and the desire to achieve your goals and dreams, you will find a way. You will see almost every single opportunity passing in front of you. Knowing one is an opportunity is not enough. You got to take the action, make the first step to grab the opportunity.
To sum up all in one,

Look out for my next few articles near future discussing on 'Dream', 'Desire', 'Postive Money Thought' and 'Action'. Until then, enjoy looking for new opportunities.