Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Choice is Yours: While you have credit card debt

You have a choice to go clubbing by paying $35 cover charge and feel good for few hours
You have a choice of paying your accumulated interest and feel good that you are going to settle your debt earlier.

You have a choice to spend your money on that beautiful $100 dress and feel good for a week
You have a choice of paying taht $100 to reduce your debt and feel good for a better wonderful future.

You have a choice of buying that $1000 new Nokia handphone and feel good for a month
You have a choice of settling some of your debts and feel good the sense of relief.

You have a choice of renovating your house and feel good for a year
You have a choice of settling all your credit card debts and feel good forever.

The choice is in your hand.

1 comment:

  1. I do agree at some point that it all depends on our sheer determination,goal and choices we want to commit..
    But, how to have some balances so we can enjoy life for once in awhile.
    I think it's worth to be happy in what we want to do and take responsibility & know the consequences at the same time..
