Imagine when you wake up in the morning, you are greeted by a butler with a Hacienda la Esmeralda Geisha coffee in his hand. You walk towards the balcony while sipping the wonderful aromatic specially brewed coffee. From the balcony, you could feel the morning breeze softly touch your skin. You could see a beautiful garden filled with vibrant colourful flowers. Beautiful butterflies playing chasing each others between those flowers. At the horizon, the sun starts to shower you with rays of gold between the twin peaks of marvelous mountain range. Imagine you could have such life. Imagine such possibilities.
Everything happens or happened because of somebody dreamed of it. The car, the plane, and the laptop you are using to read this article: everything you have come across was dreamed by someone. The same thing is true when it comes to financial abundance.
You got to dream of the wealth you want. Dream of what you want to achieve.
Dream can be divided into 3 categories: the dream you dream while you are sleeping, day dreaming and the dream which you wish you had or the one you want to achieve. The dream I’m talking about is of course, the dream you want to achieve or wish you have. The dream not necessary only about materialistic stuff, it can be about sending your child to study in top notch university or building a free private hospital to treat the poor. It can be anything.
When you dream, set every single detail within it. If it’s a car, set the model, the colour, special accessories and so on. Set when your dream takes place. Is it 1 year from now? 2 years? 10 years? Next month? Next week? Just make sure you give ample of time. Try to be more realistic. But don’t delay your dream too long. Be daring to dream.
Other sources would have used the word goal, visualization or imagination, but I choose to use word dream because dream is something which you would enjoy of doing. In fact a concrete dream with details is equivalent to visualization with a goal. Do bear in mind, the dream I’m talking about is not day dreaming or dream while you are sleeping.
Dreaming is an easy thing to do. But, there are some people who are actually afraid to dream. They are afraid that they would disappoint themselves when they realize they couldn’t achieve them. So, they stop dreaming big. Dreaming is the only thing in the world where no body can interfere and set limit to it. Even the sky is not the limit. Don’t ever give up on dreaming. Even if you fail, keep on dreaming, as it could bring you closer to make it a reality.
Many of you would be questioning the power of dream. Many of you are being skeptical of what I’m saying. Many would say that their dream didn’t come true at all. The first reason why your dreams never work out is because you were day dreaming instead of dreaming with details and sense of time horizon fixed to it. You weren’t dreaming with consistency. One day you might dream of driving a Merz, the next day you dream of driving a BMW. You mind is not focused on what you dream of. You are not sure of what you really want. It’s all just seems like another routine of day dreaming.
Dream is just the first step towards financial abundance. In fact dreaming is also the first step towards abundance of everything. There are 2 more steps or requirement need to be accompanied with your dreams, or else your dream will remain a dream forever. They are desire and positive mental attitude. Just as I mentioned in my previous article, “Money.. Money.. Money..”
These 3 steps will open the world of opportunities. Of course it must be followed with your action. If no action, then there won’t be any results. In the next follow up article, we shall look at ‘Desire’ which is an important factor to reach a life of abundance. Until then, dare to dream and dream big. Remember, even the sky is not the limit.
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